How Your Car Insurance Might Change If You Get A DUI
When you think about the consequences that can go along with getting convicting of drinking and driving, you might think about a lot of things. One thing that you might not think about, however, is the fact that your vehicle insurance can change. Here are some of the ways that your car insurance could change with a DUI conviction.
You Might Not Be Able to Get Insurance Through Certain Companies
If you think that all car insurance companies have to accept you, you should know that this is not the case at all. Some insurance companies actually deny coverage to drivers that they deem to be high risk, such as those who have been convicted of drinking and driving in the past. You might get a letter from your own insurance company stating that you are being dropped, for example, or you might get turned down if you apply for insurance through a company that you haven't used before. This can greatly restrict your options.
Your Costs Could Go Up Drastically
Another thing that you should be prepared for is the fact that your car insurance rates could go up significantly after your insurance company finds out about your DUI conviction. As you might already know, paying for things like hiring a DUI lawyer and paying your court fees and fines can be expensive. The cost of your insurance going up for a few years after your conviction should be added to the list of expenses that you should expect to pay after a DUI.
You Could Be Required to Have SR22 Insurance
Depending on the state that you live and drive in and a few other factors, you might be ordered by a judge to carry an SR22 insurance certificate. This is a special type of certificate that is designed to ensure that you have ample insurance coverage. To help keep the cost of this low, you'll probably want to look for a company that specializes in SR22 insurance and that might charge lower rates for it.
So many things can happen if you get a DUI. Not only do you have to worry about the potential of going to jail or being on probation, but you have to worry about things like how your insurance will be affected for the next few years. These are three of the things that you can expect in regards to your auto insurance if you do happen to get convicted of a DUI.