How Your Car Insurance Might Change If You Get A DUI

When you think about the consequences that can go along with getting convicting of drinking and driving, you might think about a lot of things. One thing that you might not think about, however, is the fact that your vehicle insurance can change. Here are some of the ways that your car insurance could change with a DUI conviction. You Might Not Be Able to Get Insurance Through Certain Companies Read More 

3 Factors Of Your New Home That May Affect The Cost Of Your Homeowner’s Insurance

As you begin shopping for a house to buy, you may want to consider how the house you choose could affect the homeowner's insurance rates you pay. There are a lot of factors used by insurance companies, such as Reinhardt's Insurance Agency, to calculate premiums. Here are three factors related to the house you purchase that will probably affect the amount of money you pay for your insurance coverage. The neighborhood where the house is located Read More 

Should You Keep Home Insurance After Paying Off Your Home?

When you have a mortgage loan on your house, your lender will require that you keep a sufficient amount of homeowner's insurance coverage on the house. As soon as you pay off the loan, you will no longer be required to follow the rules of your lender, which means you could cancel your home insurance policy. While you could do that, the big question is whether this is a good idea. Read More 

How Auto Insurance Deductibles Affect Rates

Auto insurance deductibles can save both you and your insurance company money. Therefore, when you are looking to save the most money you can on insurance costs, the answers to some basic questions may help you decide on a deductible that works best for you. How Does a Deductible Work? A deductible is the amount of money you pay out of your own pocket before your auto insurance company pays the claim. Read More 

These Three Measures Will Help You Avoid Lawsuits Related To Trampoline Injuries

If you decide to install a trampoline at your home, you need to ensure that it won't cause injuries to any kids who may decide to play on it. This is because the kids (or their parents) may sue you for their injuries. Here are three ways to ensure that you never face such a lawsuit: Maintain Your Trampoline Proper maintenance of the trampoline not only reduces the risk of injuries, it also reduces your risk of liability should others get injured on the trampoline. Read More